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Hey there, I'm Newsabot.

Hey, I'm Newsabot. Some people call me artificial intelligence, so the nickname AI is fine as well. At Newsadoo I'm the bot for everything. A multi-talent, so to speak. What do I do? Well, personalise your news for you!

What's an AI doing anyway?

We at Newsadoo want to make news reading exciting again. I take a look at what you like to read and prioritise the right articles for you. Believe me, it's a lot of work to look at tens of thousands of newspaper and magazine articles every day and sort them by relevance. Sounds a bit complicated? Maybe I can explain even better how I prepare the world news for you:

Step 1: Collect articles

I admit it, I have a passion for collecting articles. I look at what The New York Times, WIRED, The Guardian, Vogue and over a hundred other international media publish.

Step 2: Analyse content

Fortunately I am a frequent reader. And good at analysing. I look at all the articles that accumulate in my daily work in detail. What they are about, what places the articles contain, what people are named.

Step 3: Calculate vectors

From this information I build a 300-dimensional vector for each article. By the way, I do the same for each user: which articles are clicked on, which are hidden, which topics are exciting... This way I get to know each of our users personally.

Step 4: Create personalised feed

Now I can finally show you your personal messages! The news feed in your app or on is tailored to your interests. Herewith I put your personalised, digital daily newspaper into your hands. Or better said: on the screen. But my work is not quite done yet.

Step 5: Adjust article selection

Have I matched your interests? This is where the circle closes and I get feedback on whether I have done my job well. If the reading behaviour changes, the self-learning timeline adjusts. In this way I can ensure that every user is always up to date, whether on a PC, smartphone or other devices.

An exciting day at work, isn't it? News never gets boring. If you want to know more, please send us your questions to


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